Friday, September 28, 2007

Google advert

Noticed this on a website recently. Great contextual advert!


IMG_0068.JPG, originally uploaded by Okko.

Great picture

Shit, is it the 80s again?

Shit, is it the 80s again?, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Top man, 2007...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lancaster penny st at 5pm

Lancaster penny st at 5pm, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Along the river lune

Along the river lune, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

A nice Lancaster walk along then over the railway bridge, then across the back of the priory, along the railway path, over the allotments then back down the canal to town.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Outside at last...

Outside at last..., originally uploaded by Happyralph.

At windmill farm near Caton.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Sigh, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Scrabble block

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lunch of champions!

Lunch of champions!, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Lunch of champions!

Bbq time

Bbq time, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Bbq time

Sunday, September 09, 2007

At humphrey head

At humphrey head, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

At humphrey head

Walking near grange over sands

Walking near grange over sands, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Walking near grange over sands

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Summer has arrived... A bit bloody...

Summer has arrived... A bit bloody late...

Drinking a guinness at the bree...

Drinking a guinness at the bree louise pub yesterday. Waiting for my late train to arrive.

On my way to clapham junction,...

On my way to clapham junction, taking an odd route back... This train speeds by as I take a picture of the view.

The millenium footbridge

The millenium footbridge, originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Shit, i hate london.

Shit, i hate london., originally uploaded by Happyralph.

Waiting for the london train, hot...

Waiting for the london train, hot sun, cold concrete