(I was a mere fly-on-the-wall in this dream, watching the drama unfold)
He looked like he was getting ready for bed - turning off the TV, lamps etc when I noticed a large body bag on the floor.
Gil turned to the bag and said, 'Goodnight'. Upon which it started to move a little. Then a noise came from it - muffled, mumbling, throaty singing.
'..ho.. me ..eh.. way ..o go ...ome... I'm ...ired an.. I wan.. ..o go ...o bed...' Sang the bodybag.
'Bill?' Said Gil, opening the bodybag quickly. Inside was a dead, grey face, with a gag on it. He pulled the gag off and the dead face opened its eyes. It looked confused, tears welled up.
'Gil... help me...' It gasped.
Gil unzipped the badybag to the waist, showing that the corpse has been tied up too - arms, legs, with a thick rope. Gil didn't untie the body, but helped it sit up.
'Bill, I thought you were gone.'
But Bill wasn't listening. He had managed to get a hand free and now grasped for Gil with it, he became wild, tearing out his other hand, lunging, trying to bite Gil's leg.
Gil backed off as the zombie rose and grabbed a knife from the counter...
That's all I remember. What on earth am I doing dreaming about CSI stars? I haven't even seen the show for weeks...
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