Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Silencing the shutter shound on the Android HTC Magic?

Oh, some things make me so angry.

Enforced shutter sounds on phones are one of them.

The HTC Magic Android phone has a loud and annoying shutter sounds that can't be turned off. I read that this is more and more common to prevent upskirt-style pictures etc being taken.

But, hang on... If I put my HTC Magic on silent mode, then the shutter is silent anyway.

So what's the point in forcing a shutter sound on normal mode?!

It just doesn't make any sense.

If you came here looking for a solution, then good luck. There seemed to be some camera apps in the Android Marketplace that claimed to silence shutter sounds when not on silent mode, but I have my doubts, and many only worked before more recent versions anyway, so I understand.

Browsing forums on this subject will just make you angry too - lots of self-righteous people explaining, patronisingly, why sounds are a good idea to prevent perverted pictures, and denying that there is any legitimate use of silent cameras.

Okay, examples.

In an art gallery, in a library, in a theatre during a performance, watching a friend's poetry recital, taking pictures of your food in a restaurant for review on your website, anywhere, frankly where you don't want to make a noise generally...


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